
Zeolite is an inert, non-toxic mineral, which has a moisture retaining capacity in an amount up to 50% by weight while binds heavy metals and toxic elements.

Thus, the use of zeolite perimetrically and internally of the cell can result in the following results:

In the case of inhalation or ingestion or dusting of zeolite powder in the beekeeper, there is no danger as the zeolite of our company is 100% natural and harmless product. Where the zeolite is diluted in water has the ability to separate the harmful organic substances from the water and to remove the heavy metal ions.

ZEOPROFIT Zeolite has certifications for its suitability for use in livestock farming as well as in organic farming. ISO 9001, ISO 22000 and FAMI qs certificates are also available from accredited international bodies.Our company, in addition to analyzes accompanying the product by the manufacturer, performs chemical analyzes on each batch it imports to ensure its suitability by controlling key indicators and confirming that they do not exceed the limits as defined by the European.